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Miel de abeja, Oro liquido y sus Propiedades/ Honey Bee

Posted by Porto Rico Market LLC on

La miel se ha utilizado por el ser humano desde sus orígenes, (hay datos que datan de 7.000 años antes de Cristo), tanto en la cocina como en la botica y como remedio natural. Algunas propiedades

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Differences Between Arábica And Robusta Coffee

Posted by Porto Rico Market on

It is possible that when you go to a Cafeteria, Bakery, supermarket or specialized Coffee Shop, you never or almost never pay attention to the variety of coffee we buy, mostly you buy by Brand. Here we will briefly explain two specific beans and tell you about the differences between the two great varieties of coffee that exist: Robusta coffee and Arábica coffee.Robusta coffee has twice as much caffeine as Arábica. It is a type of variety that would originate from Central Africa, it is not very digestive, it has a bitter final taste, full-bodied and not very perfumed, and...

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